Yesterday was a long one.
I brought over the D-1 to Giebitz and picked up the OM-1. We talked a long time about Schetlers.
Then we had lunch at Artz and ran into Ray Benson and Peter Schasrtz. After that we went to the Convention Center to sign in for SXSW.
Then we left the hotel at 5:30 to load in at the Continental Club. You could tell that action was starting to happen: Hot Club of Cowtown was wrapping up a hot set.
Then we all piled up in one van and headed to Ranch 616 to have dinner with John Locgen, Rosebud's treat.
That done, we got back to the club and waited to set up and play.
The show went on as scheduled, and we played a hot 40 minute set. Afterwards I talked to Steve McCraary from Collings, Alex Rawls from Offbeat, Geoff Himes from the Washington Post, and Dave Hurshland from Bug Music.
We got back to the hotel at 12:30. It's 9:47 now and should be in Lafayette by 4pm
Long couple of days.
I brought over the D-1 to Giebitz and picked up the OM-1. We talked a long time about Schetlers.
Then we had lunch at Artz and ran into Ray Benson and Peter Schasrtz. After that we went to the Convention Center to sign in for SXSW.
Then we left the hotel at 5:30 to load in at the Continental Club. You could tell that action was starting to happen: Hot Club of Cowtown was wrapping up a hot set.
Then we all piled up in one van and headed to Ranch 616 to have dinner with John Locgen, Rosebud's treat.
That done, we got back to the club and waited to set up and play.
The show went on as scheduled, and we played a hot 40 minute set. Afterwards I talked to Steve McCraary from Collings, Alex Rawls from Offbeat, Geoff Himes from the Washington Post, and Dave Hurshland from Bug Music.
We got back to the hotel at 12:30. It's 9:47 now and should be in Lafayette by 4pm
Long couple of days.
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