Topic: Plaza Theatre
The Plaza Theater was a nice venue. We had a decent crowd for our
first ever appearance in Orlando, outside of a convention.
Though it's hard to fly on the day of a show, it was the best and most
economical way to go about it. Fortunately we didn't have to leave
early the next day!
May 16, 2009 11:01 PM: Long day as usual.
I looked at the check from last night and the moron didn't write out
the correct amount! So we had lunch at a Viet Rest while waiting for
Chris to bring the check. Jimmy had a meltdown over being treated
badly yesterday. If only he understood, like Mitchell, that
responsibility has a lot to do with your actions on the road. You
cannot bring what's home along (like your problems and your women) and
expect to be treated as if you are one of the group. Sometimes your
actions interfere with your judgement, and considering how hard it is
to travel, that is just not acceptable. However, no one said anything
to him. He should, however, get his internet up and running and take
that responsibility. He also melted down over not having enough money
to buy a headphone extension today, though he sat at the bar and paid
for beers. This shit doesn't go far with me.
It rained at the gig tonight, and it was bad! But we got to play and
we were paid. Afterwards we ate in the hotel restaurant and had a
couple beers.
Now I have to wake up at 5:30 am.
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